Saturday, August 28, 2010

What is unemployment health insurance and its importance?

 The cost of medications and hospitalizations are constantly high. High quality services are offered by the  hospitals and a long bill is given against it. There are new types of medicines being invented to prevent diseases and sometimes they burn a whole in the pocket. The doctors are specialists in their respective fields and charge a considerable amount of money. However, in spite of the high cost, one cannot avoid medical treatment. Regular checkups, certain vaccines and attending to injuries are mandatory. Health insurance for unemployed help jobless people deal with medical bills. Unemployment health insurance has been the concern for federal Government for some time now.

The first step is to loom up the internet for options of unemployment health insurance. The internet is the largest resource one has at hand for finding any kind of information. There are numerous unemployment health insurance policies made to fit the needs of different people. For people who cannot access the internet, the local employment office will give all the necessary information.

There are acts that ensure health insurance for unemployed. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 states that people can be eligible for job loss insurance. An individual can avail two policies under this act. The COBRA or the Consolidated Omni Budget Reconciliation Act states that a person who has left the job is still entitled to a health insurance policy by the previous employer. The unemployed person can still continue under the health insurance plan that was covering him when he was employed. This unemployment health insurance policy can be availed after voluntary and involuntary termination of the job.

One should always get unemployment health insurance policy based on the affordability. There are numerous plans in the market that you have to choose from. One should try to opt for health insurance for unemployed plan with complete benefits. This will make the health insurance company pay for all the expenses including visiting the doctor and regular tests. One might have to pay a small medical deductible but all the expenses are covered. The other alternative for health insurance for unemployed is catastrophic health insurance. In this case the health insurance company will only pay the medical expenses when a sudden catastrophe has taken place.

When a person is unemployed, his or her tensions multiply. In such a moment of crisis one feels that an affordable unemployment health insurance policy will not be available. However, if properly searched one can get health insurance for employment at affordable prices. One can get in touch with the previous employer to know more about the qualifying events that will entitle one health insurance for unemployed.

The short-term health insurance policies have also been made keeping the needs of the unemployed in mind. Though there are many insurance companies that may not be ready to provide coverage for an unemployed individual, some Government programs on health insurance for unemployed have been specifically designed. They should check with the local employment offices for more information. Immediately after one is rendered jobless, it is advisable to get oneself and the family covered under a short-term health insurance plan for unemployment health insurance. Later, when one is financially stable, the short term can be transferred into a long tern policy.

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